Render Developments is a Proud New Member of Urban Land Institute

We’re absolutely stoked to have joined the Urban Land Institute (ULI), a major leader in global urban development and real estate finance and investment.

What does our affiliation mean for us, and for them?

It means that in a small but significant way, we’re helping to shape sustainable real estate development and contributing to creating thriving communities all over the world, while supporting research, education, and dissemination of information.

Sounds like a tall order, doesn’t it?

But when you have 44,000 teams collaborating for industry improvement and innovation, it’s actually pretty workable. Especially when there’s an alignment of vision and goals informing a diversity of practices from industry leaders all over the world.

What is the Urban Land Institute (ULI)?

“ULI is the oldest and largest network of cross-disciplinary real estate and land use experts in the world.”

What that means is, together with a cross-disciplinary team of land development experts, they set standards for responsible real estate development practice. They advocate for sustainable use of land all over the world. 

ULI set the foundation for change by bringing leaders together to share best practices for current and future issues and arrangements. 

Then, they tackle issues of conservation, regeneration, urbanization, land use, and sustainable development. 

With thorough research, education, publications, and media exposure, they make knowledge transparent and publicly accessible. 

ULI  influences policy with design practices that respect the natural environment and support the progression of urbanization.

Why wouldn’t we want to be a part of that?!

In their words:

“We are a network of people in every profession and sector in real estate development and land use, from all over the world, in every career stage. We commit to exchanging ideas and creating thriving communities worldwide.” (

We’ll be at the 2019 ULI Fall Event in Washington D.C.!

Their annual event attracts more than 6500 members from every real estate development industry world wide, 70% of whom are senior executives.

Interactive sessions, structured networking events, and keynote speakers comprise this four-day event that connects every segment of the real estate world.

It’s an ideal opportunity to network with developers, investors, architects, planners, brokers, academics, attorneys, decision makers, and government officials, and gain a lot of business-building know-how. 

We’ll meet the makers of the most important development deals of the year. There’ll be a spotlight on the change agents behind D.C.’s shift from a government hub to a community of innovators. 

Sounds great, right? So much to learn!

Who else will be at ULI’s Fall Meeting?

Nikki R. Haley, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations will lead Friday’s General session.

Featured speakers opening the general session include Holly Sullivan, Director of World Wide Economic Development, Amazon, Timothy D. Sands, President, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, and Matt Kelly, Managing Partner, JBG Smith Properties.

ULI’s Speaker Series includes dynamic speakers Eric S. Quick, CEO, The Town Kitchen PBC, and Karen Washington, Founder, Rise & Root Farm.

As a growing small enterprise, this is a chance for us to sit elbow to elbow with some incredibly innovative people and expand our knowledge. It’s also a major motivator to keep on, keep on, keep on learning, improving, creating, and expanding. 

Are you a ULI member? If so, let’s connect at the event!