Regular Proposals VS Drone Proposals

Ordinary real estate development proposals are boring. It’s a fact. They don’t come close to
capturing or displaying information like a drone animation video can. People don’t want to be
spoon-fed stats and worn-out data on real estate development trends. That’s not going to ignite
their senses, appeal to their emotion, or make them want to invest hard earned money and add
it to their investment portfolio.

Developers and Investors Want to Know Your Plan

The power of a real estate development proposal is in its ability to capture an audience. Your
future investors want an explanation that tells them a story, from beginning to end. And they
want to know how you’re going to give that story air, food, and shelter. They want to know
exactly how you’re going to bring that story to life. Persuasive words, fancy graphics, and stats
are fine–but they’re not enough. You want to pitch a proposal that is going to change people’s
minds, and the only way to do that is by changing how they see.

Drone animation videos take the chosen landscape or property and transform it with some of
the most sophisticated video and photo technology available.

Consider some of the central elements of a proposal and how masterful video visual effects can enhance each one:

Location Analysis
Front-end cameras can’t display much detail if anything is obscuring the property. Further,
expensive helicopter video or photography can only provide a distant aerial view of an
expansive site. In contrast, a drone can capture property and its surroundings in more detail
than even a multi-hour foot tour could provide. Drones can tuck into small spaces, capture
specific details from several angles, and offer a perspective otherwise unforeseen. Starting from
the top of the sky, it can swoop down to earth and provide a dramatic view of a property and
highlight its proximity to surrounding areas, like major transportation routes, and other
residential and commercial properties, with the ability to zone in on key areas.

Economic Profiles and Financial Analysis
Drones provide a comprehensive view of the surrounding region. Supplementary to statistical
information, visual content acquired from the use of a drone can demonstrate the viability of a
proposed development amid surrounding businesses. Further, visual simulation can display
construction financing, predicted revenues of a potential development, a rise in the region’s
population, commercial growth, and risk analysis. Drone animation videos tell the story better
than charts and figures because it can simulate several different scenarios regarding
possibilities for future growth and impact of the proposed development.

Architect and Design
Drones give you the opportunity to show others exactly what you envision. If you’re working with
several consultants on proposed property design, drone animation video can demonstrate
multiple scenarios for building with stunning realism. From an aerial view to a visually detailed
analysis of targeted areas in a building scheme, drone videos can bring a blueprint to life, map it
against an existing landscape, and contrast it against competing architectural designs. They
make the need to imagine obsolete because you can virtually reach out and touch the

The future for development proposals is in drone animation videos. People can consume visual
data with greater ease, speed, and understanding than written data. Animated content engages
our attention and interest because our brains are drawn to movement, action, and colour. What
we can see stimulates our other senses and forms an instant emotional connection because it
delivers a multifaceted experience.

The use of drone animated videos in development proposals is still in its infancy–but not for
long. They solve the problem of how to communicate a development proposal effectively and
persuasively, with dramatic detail, making the dry, withered content of traditional proposals just a
shade too ordinary.

Contact Render Developments if you want to learn more about drone proposals.